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VALUES, Symbols and Traditions

Mission Statement

To promote leadership, multiculturalism and self-improvement through academic excellence, involvement in and service to the campus and community, as well as being living examples of sisterhood across different races, cultures, religions, backgrounds and lifestyles.


  • To incorporate separate cultures into one life.

  • To build self-esteem through sisterhood.

  • To participate in service activities, especially those concerning diversity in the community.

  • To encourage academic excellence and overall self-improvement.

  • To promote unity among Greek organizations.


What Multiculturalism Means To Us

While part of the Founders’ vision was to create a sisterhood that physically transcended societal boundaries such as race, religion, culture and class, their primary goal was to bring together women who believe in the ideal of multiculturalism and want to promote multiculturalism in their everyday lives.


While all Greek organizations are and continue to grow more diverse, our Sorority explicitly seeks members with multicultural ideals and interests; we seek to use our Sorority as a vehicle to educate the surrounding campus and community on issues of diversity. We recognize that diversity is not limited to race, and we are proud to have achieved a sisterhood that is not only diverse with respect to race, but ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, and political ideology as well.

Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, Leadership, Multiculturalism


Sisters of diversity, together as ONE!

Official Colors

Lavender, Carolina Blue and Black


Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly


Theta Nu Xi Shield.jpg

Sterling Silver Rose

Theta Woman Poem

Loyal to the cocoon
From where she comes 
The Theta Woman rises out of a lavender dawn 
To proudly bridge the gaps in her world 
With her butterfly wings 


With honesty and courage 
She lives and loves without conditions 
Surrendering to her beauty and power 
She gives and receives freely 
Remembering her vision, her purpose, her heart 


Creator of her own definition 
She inspires those around her 
To be proud and selfless 
To give unselfishly over and over again 


Loving herself as she loves others 
The butterfly transcends 
Taking others with her in her flight 


-- Soror Ayodele Carroo, Alpha Chapter, Spring 1998

Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Incorporated

Xi Rho Graduate, Alumnae and Professional Chapter

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Last updated: June 2023

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Xi Rho GAP Chapter 

Denver, CO

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